2024 Coding Practice Thread

DoublethinkDoublethink Admin, 8th Day Host
Oh, the potential …


  • ZappaZappa Shipmate
    Can someone cut and past the delightful emoji post from the last (?) one that meant that I could look smart and use emojis? It was about page 7 I think, but should be stickied.
  • DoublethinkDoublethink Admin, 8th Day Host
    You should be able to find said thread in Oblivion ….

    But I will go have a rummage.
  • DoublethinkDoublethink Admin, 8th Day Host
    This is last year’s coding thread - but what you are asking for doesn’t seem to be there ?
  • DoublethinkDoublethink Admin, 8th Day Host
    I did find this on writing Greek & Hebrew script:
    Barnabas62 wrote: »
    (Originally posted by Moo on the old site)


    To write a Greek letter, first type &, then the name of the letter, then ;. Do not leave any spaces between these three elements.

    Here are examples, with spaces left between so you can see how it looks.

    & alpha ;
    & beta ;

    For capital letters, write the first letter of the name in capital letters.

    & Alpha ;
    & Beta ;

    For final sigma write sigmaf

    & sigmaf ;


    If you want to post in Hebrew, a table of HTML codes can be found on Wikipedia

    They are not very user friendly, but you can cut and paste from the table into a message. It seems that you can insert the letters in 'English' order left to right and they are then rendered right to left. Each Hebrew character is represented by a group which begins with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon

    So & #64299;& #1500;& #1501; gives שׂלם
    (I've inserted spaces between & and # in each case to stop the codes being rendered into Hebrew)

    If you want to practice writing Greek or Hebrew, use the practice thread in the Styx.
  • DoublethinkDoublethink Admin, 8th Day Host
    I will attempt emoji recreations:
      :angry: :anguished: :astonished: :naughty: :rage: :blush: :bawling: :heartbreak: :confused: :confounded: :cry: :cold_sweat: :cookie: :disappointed: :dizzy: :tired_face: :hushed: :expressionless: :error: :neutral: :relaxed: :relaxed: :relieved: :frowning: :fearful: :grin: :grimace: :grey_question: :heart: :innocent: :wink: :kissing: :kissing_heart: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :joy: :kissing_closed_eyes: :kiss: :lol: :love: :sleepy: :mask: :mrgreen: :smile: :smiley: :smirk: :sweat_smile: :sunglasses: :tongue: :triumph: :tired_face: :trollface: :unamused: :yum: :pensive: :persevere: :worried: :weary: :warning:

    Those are all colon-word-colon.

    But the only way I know to get a prayer candle is copy and paste thusly:

  • BroJamesBroJames Purgatory Host
    edited January 29
    & #x1f56f; (if you take out the space after th & gives you 🕯

    I have saved “:votive” as a shortcut/substitution on my phone. So if I type :votive I get 🕯
  • KendelKendel Shipmate
    @BroJames, where are you finding codes like that?
  • BroJamesBroJames Purgatory Host
    The Ship’s software is able to interpret HTML codes for characters in the UTF-8 character set, including emojis and symbols.

    The format is &[number]; The number may be preceded by the # symbol which indicates to the software that the number will be a hexadecimal number. Not every browser or every device will be able to render all the codes correctly.

    A comprehensive list can be found at https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_html_utf8.asp the search tool at the top will help you find codes for particular symbols.
  • luvanddaisiesluvanddaisies Shipmate
    edited May 11
    After all these years I appear to have remembered UBBCode, so far having not had to think to make a bulletpointed list, a URL with words as the hyperlink rather than the messy URL itself, and italics - all without cocking it up.
    I didn’t know where else to share my weird delight that this training from my early Ship years is still with me, so here I am!

    (I am, however, still incapable of spotting typos in Edit or Preview Post and have to fix them in the edit window instead.)

  • Doublepost apologies - testing emoticons as an afterthought…


    Hmm, only the static ones - I couldn’t remember the codes for the hearts/axe murderer one or the wee dude where one eye bulged then the other.

    I did see the handy code BroJames posted above for 🕯 - thanks @BroJames but the link he later posted isn’t showing me much useful stuff.
  • BroJamesBroJames Purgatory Host
    Unfortunately the current software doesn’t support the animated emojis we could use on the old Ship.
  • Aw, miss those wee peeps. More than once over the years I’d have liked to have them on my phone’s emoji keyboard!p.
    The vomit one having bits left on its face after spewing always struck me as a gross yet accurate bit of detailing on the part of the emoticon designer!
  • LouiseLouise Epiphanies Host

    Ah that's handy thanks - I was having to cut and paste from other folk!
  • WormInTheGrassWormInTheGrass Shipmate
    edited June 16
    guardian article
    Testing link formatting
  • LuciaLucia Shipmate
    edited July 20
  • Nick TamenNick Tamen Shipmate
    edited July 22
    Moyessa wrote: »
    @Moyessa, the tags you want to use to link to another webpage are:
    [url] and [/url]
    If you want to embed the link in other text (like “here” or “this tweet”), you do it this way (using the webpage you used:
    The “code” tags enable you show tags in a post without activating what they do, like with the “url” tags above.

    Hope this helps.

  • agingjbagingjb Shipmate

  • MoyessaMoyessa Shipmate
    Major failure to communicate. I believe I am wasting peoples time. Agreed, or not?
  • MoyessaMoyessa Shipmate
    I was trying to respond to expressed expectation that i put my own text in to explain where the link goes. Much help already given & much appreciared. Either i need a nap or to just stop already
  • BroJamesBroJames Purgatory Host
    edited July 28

    Generally, if you just post a link the software and/or most devices will recognise it.

    However to do it right (!) the following options will work
    will give you:
    https://forums.shipoffools.com and
    [url=https://forums.shipoffools.com]take a look at the neat Ship of Fools forums[/url]
    will give you:
    take a look at the neat Ship of Fools forums
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