2024 Coding Practice Thread
Admin, 8th Day Host
in The Styx
Oh, the potential …
But I will go have a rummage.
Those are all colon-word-colon.
But the only way I know to get a prayer candle is copy and paste thusly:
I have saved “:votive” as a shortcut/substitution on my phone. So if I type :votive I get 🕯
The format is &[number]; The number may be preceded by the # symbol which indicates to the software that the number will be a hexadecimal number. Not every browser or every device will be able to render all the codes correctly.
A comprehensive list can be found at https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_html_utf8.asp the search tool at the top will help you find codes for particular symbols.
I didn’t know where else to share my weird delight that this training from my early Ship years is still with me, so here I am!
(I am, however, still incapable of spotting typos in Edit or Preview Post and have to fix them in the edit window instead.)
Doublepost apologies - testing emoticons as an afterthought…
Hmm, only the static ones - I couldn’t remember the codes for the hearts/axe murderer one or the wee dude where one eye bulged then the other.
I did see the handy code BroJames posted above for 🕯 - thanks @BroJames but the link he later posted isn’t showing me much useful stuff.
The vomit one having bits left on its face after spewing always struck me as a gross yet accurate bit of detailing on the part of the emoticon designer!
Ah that's handy thanks - I was having to cut and paste from other folk!
Testing link formatting
Hope this helps.
Generally, if you just post a link the software and/or most devices will recognise it.
However to do it right (!) the following options will work will give you:
https://forums.shipoffools.com and will give you:
take a look at the neat Ship of Fools forums